The Teachers

Cindy Quach – Humanities

Mother, teacher, reader Baker, eater, cycle-commuter

Cindy was born in Saigon; her experience as a refugee has instilled in her a deep love for Canada and for education.   Canada welcomed her landless family with a profound generosity, and education is the great equalizer that opens up worlds and possibilities.  Cindy is passionate about big ideas learning and works to decolonize her practice. As an educator, she creates opportunities for students to see themselves in their learning and to see themselves as active, creative, critical thinkers who help build the compassionate world we all dream of.

David Gilbar – Visual Arts

Father, teacher, producer tutor, mentor, creator

David was born in Chico, California and first came to Canada to study at UBC. His experience as a nerdy creative-type growing up in a small college town has driven his lifelong passion for the arts, including a love of photography, film, and music. When David isn’t teaching, he can be found in hiking around Burke Mountain with his wife and daughters or skiing on the slopes of Whistler.